‘Red-tailed Hawk’ 20” x 10” acrylic on wood panel
I like to imagine these majestic hawks surveying the golden hills.
This blog is devoted to showing photographs and paintings of birds, and it is our hope that these images create interest in the enjoyment and the conservation of this diverse group of animals. Your comments are appreciated. If you like a photo or painting, please give it a heart. This helps us understand what our viewers want to see more of.
‘Red-tailed Hawk’ 20” x 10” acrylic on wood panel
I like to imagine these majestic hawks surveying the golden hills.
Walking across the Stone Bridge at the La Selva Research Station. I was more or less not paying attention to what was in front of me and you can imagine my surprise when I lifted my head and came eye to eye with an adult Broad-winged Hawk.
This hawk migrates across Costa Rica in large numbers and will flock with other hawks and Turkey Vultures. Some of these migrants will winter in Costa Rica and others keep going to locations further south.