Blue-banded Toucanets 8” x 8” acrylic
We saw these toucanets in the Andes in Peru
This blog is devoted to showing photographs and paintings of birds, and it is our hope that these images create interest in the enjoyment and the conservation of this diverse group of animals. Your comments are appreciated. If you like a photo or painting, please give it a heart. This helps us understand what our viewers want to see more of.
Blue-banded Toucanets 8” x 8” acrylic
We saw these toucanets in the Andes in Peru
Grey-breasted Mountain-Toucan 24” x 12” acrylic on canvas
At one of our stops the proprietor of a dairy farm set up feeders to draw in these amazing birds with grapes. I was able to make dozens of sketches and developed a couple into this painting when we returned