Black-headed Grosbeak

Black-headed Grosbeaks 8” x 8” acrylic

Black-headed Grosbeaks 8” x 8” acrylic

This has been a banner year for spotting Black-headed Grosbeaks near our home. A pair has even been coming to our feeders. This little painting is one of the first I’ve been able to finish during this quarantine.

Hooded Orioles

Hooded Oriole Study 8” x 8” acrylic

Hooded Oriole Study 8” x 8” acrylic

Although we have to work to find Bullock’s Orioles, Hooded Orioles are again nesting in our neighbor’s yard and are coming regularly to our feeder. The male and female have been here for a few weeks now and we recently saw our first juvenile. This painting was a study for a larger piece.

Covey of Quail

Covey of Quail 8” x 24” acrylic

Covey of Quail 8” x 24” acrylic

I started this painting just before our lives got disrupted by the pandemic. Social distancing was not an issue so I could depict quail close together!

Kestrel Painting

Kestrel 8” x 8” acrylic

Kestrel 8” x 8” acrylic

This is the painting I developed from the sketch I made last January during our birding trip to the California central valley. I enjoyed working with all the oranges and adding a suggestion of a distant background..

Long-eared Owls

Long-eared Owls 1000.jpg

This painting began with a sketch made at Mercy Hot Springs, California, last January. Dave also took a few photos of these guys in their defensive camouflage pose. I’ve been having fun working out compositions on narrow canvases and these owls fit in nicely.

California Thrasher Painting

‘California Thrasher’ 8” x 8” acrylic on panel

‘California Thrasher’ 8” x 8” acrylic on panel

The California Thrasher was so beautiful amongst the fall leaves and berries I was inspired to try a painting. This small piece was done directly off of Dave’s photo.