This duck is common in the U.S. southern states. This photo was taken in Southern Texas. They are named after their call which sounds like a whistle.
American Kestrel Painting
Kestrel Flight 12” x 12” acrylic on wood panel
I watched a kestrel take off from a sycamore branch and was inspired by the way the colors of the falcon mirrored those of the dry leaves and blue sky.
American Kestrel
In the Americas this is the smallest and most colorful of the falcons.
Green Heron
Green Heron Posed 12” x 12” acrylic on wood panel
Every time we come across a green heron I’m inspired to work on another painting. This one was on a bank in willows.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
The Ruby-crowned Kinglet breeds in the far north of the North American continent during the summer. In winter its range covers most of the southern half of the United States including much of California.
This little bird is always on the go as if it is constantly drinking coffee. They have a characteristic call that some liken to a small engine trying to start, but never quite making it.
A Burned Forest
Dave and I birded an area which burned last summer and I refined my field notes into this small study which I posted on the Nature Journal Club Facebook group
I thought this would make a good subject for a poem and got a couple wonderful responses:
Joy Burton
Colors flashing through the burn,
Treasures from a former life.
Fullness of nature for which I yearn,
Flying forward to the next turn.
JoAnn Chambers
Even dead wood fills some needs
For pecking birds and grubs that breed.
Leafless wood reveals its grain,
Its bark exposed, awaiting rain.
Red-breasted Nuthatch
This species occurs in Central California, but we normally do not see them often and when we do they tend to be at higher elevations. We were surprised to find this one at Sandy Wool Lake at Ed Levin Park in Santa Clara County, California which is lower than we normally find them. If you are not familiar with nuthatches, upside down is a typical eating posture.
Anna's Hummingbird Chase
Anna’s Hummingbird Chase 20” x 10” acrylic on wood panel
I was inspired by watching these hummingbirds dashing through purple sage.
Savannah Sparrow
A small bird with a yellow eyebrow. These are common on the Central California coast where they can be found in grass, sedge marshes, and reedy areas. I photographed this one on a lupine plant in Kodiak Island, Alaska.
Rock Wren
Rock Wren taking a break from bug hunting
A perky wren that is normally found on rocky areas through out the Western United States and south into Mexico. It lives in arid to semi-arid areas and its diet it primarily insects and spiders. It will steal insects from spider webs. This individual was working a parking lot railing in its search for food.
Night-Herons Lurking
Black-crowned Night-Herons 16” x 16” acrylic on wood panel
I love painting Night-Herons - they can seem so sinister. These three are lurking and watching.
California Quail
A common year around bird in Central California. Their distinct gathering call “chee ca go” tells you that this quail species is nearby.
Spotted Towhee
Spotted Towhee 10” x 20” acrylic on wood panel
A Spotted Towhee has been hanging out in our yard under wild grape vines. It was such a treat to watch him foraging.
Townsend's Warbler
We know it is winter on the California Central Coast because this species shows up and keeps us entertained as it frantically hops from one cluster of leaves to the next as it forages for insects. In the summer, it is found throughout British Columbia.
Lesser Goldfinch Trio
Lesser Goldfinch Trio, 8” x 8” acrylic o wood panel
The thistles are turning brown and attracting flocks of lesser goldfinch. This is one of my favorite motifs to paint.
Magnolia Warbler
A beautiful warbler that breeds in Northern Canada and spends its winter from Southern Mexico down to South America. They are very common in Central America during the winter. This photo was taken in Northern Ohio at Magee Marsh in 2018.
Oystercatcher Sketch
We saw so many Oystercatchers a couple weeks ago on the Sonoma County coast and this is a color study where I am thinking about how I might iuse a couple in a painting.
Osprey Sketch
In general I work better designing paintings from my field sketches than from his photographs but I was inspired by this photo of an osprey which Dave took and played around with incorporating it into a composition.
The Osprey is a sleek fish predator. It is very efficient at catching fish with its long talons. Where they are common it is not unusual to see a few carry fish back to there eating spot. In Florida we saw fish carcasses high in trees where the Ospreys take them to eat.
California Thrasher
California Thrasher 8” x 8” acrylic on wood panel
The poison oak has turned a wonderful red and last month we came across this California Thrasher feeding on the berries.